Grote Kerk Oss Heilig Hart Oss Willibrordus Berghem Servatius Megen Lambertus Haren Petrus' Banden Macharen
Grote Kerk Oss Heilig Hart Oss Willibrordus Berghem
Servatius Megen Lambertus Haren Petrus' Banden Macharen

Van de wereldjongerendagen

gepubliceerd: zondag, 20 augustus 2023

Maria Montserrat woont in Argentinië bij haar ouders en drie broers in de provincie San Louis, Zij is 22 jaar en heeft naast een gelo­vi­ge opvoe­ding ook een vor­ming gehad in de cultuur en de ge­schie­de­nis van haar land Argentinië. Zij heeft in die zin een meesterti­tel gehaald in de tra­di­tio­nele Argen­tijnse dansen en heeft ook een bevoegd­heid om les te geven in ge­schie­de­nis. Daar ligt ook haar grote in­te­res­se. Momen­teel, tot ze een baan heeft gevon­den in haar discipline, werkt ze op de admi­ni­stra­tieve afdeling van een school. In 2016 heeft ze deel­ge­no­men aan de wereld­jon­ge­ren­da­gen in Krakau ( Polen ) ( daar ben ik ook geweest met een Chileense groep) en daar ontmoette ze Felipe ( uit Chili) op de foto links die ook een keer in Oss is geweest.

Undersigns María Monserrat Baca, 22-year-old, of Argentine nationality.

I write these lines to share with you and the parish community of your city, my experience in World Youth Day Lisbon 2023.

In 2016 I had the opportunity to participate in the Day held in Krakow as a pilgrim, being a before and after in my spiritual life during adolescence, having the deep desire to participate in the different activities that communities within the Catholic Church can offer to youth: camps, trai­ning courses, apostolates, among others.

That experience was so strong for me that I always long to return. A few months ago Banco Santan­der launched 200 Scholarships to hire people who formally work in the organization of WYD 2023, among the different conditions that it had is that 180 people had to be Portuguese, that is, only 20 foreign people.

Firmly propo­sing that I wanted to relive this experience, my battle began in prayer and different offe­rings to Jesus. Finally, I ended up making a pro­mise to San Francisco Marto, one of the holy shepherds that the Virgin appears to in Fatima, pro­mising that if he intercedes for me in heaven to be able to travel to his country and participate in the day, I would name my first son "Francisco" in his honor and to spread his devotion... And since God does not let himself be outdone in generosity, at the end of my prayers to San Francisco Marto received the expected email: Winner of the Santan­der Scholarships among the 20 foreigners who could remain from all over the world!

Now, God was put­ting in that wait and to fulfill a dream people who helped me a lot, among them Father Ronald, to whom I will always be deeply grateful.

After two months of work and finishing volun­tee­ring, I can say that it was an enriching experience in many ways: pro­fes­sio­nal, spiritual and human growth, where one learns to share with people who bring with them different histories, cultures, languages, etc. But united in a single purpose: wor­king for Christ. And one won­ders: Is it worth wor­king for Christ? It's worth it and a lot. An example of this is precisely the World Youth Days, where one sees thousands of young people see­king to feed and grow in faith.

Personally, there are two images that took me from WYD 2023: the young people resor­ting to the Sacra­ment of Confession and the smile of so many people. Since I consi­der that in confession we approach Jesus with humility and after recei­ving it we show it with sincere joy. Just what the world needs: humility and joy!

My participation in this new edition of World Youth Day allows me to testify that we must never get tired of praying and trus­ting in God: because his mercy and gifts to reach heaven are infinite, also reaffir­ming my belon­ging to the Catholic Church , committed to praying for their unity and holiness.

Without further ado, I greet Christ the King and his mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary.